Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hell in a Cell Predictions

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship
Kofi is going strong after two wins in a row over The Miz. The Miz declares that Kingston is just a B-level superstar that only goes, "Boom! Boom! Boom" I think that hopefully The Miz's loss means that he will be put up in the main event level a little more. Hopefully Kofi's reign as Intercontinental Champions will help to bring him closer to the main event that he seems to dodge throughout his whole career. Since Kofi Kingston just won the title from the Miz, I am going to go with him winning. 

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio
This has been a pretty one sided feud. With Randy filming his movie Twelve Rounds and only appearing a few times during this feud, I must say that ADR surprised me. Usually he bores me to tears. I am not a fan of him, and if I DVR an event I usually skip through his matches just to see who wins. I did pleasantly enjoy his mocking of Randy Orton on Smackdown. After all is said and done, I do not think that Del Rio will be able to overcome The Viper and Randy Orton will get the win.

Eve vs. Kaitlyn vs. Layla in a Triple Threat Match for the Divas Championship
Another surprise to the card. Not because I wasn't expecting the Divas to have a match, but because we have a Divas match that actually has an extensive story to it. After reading the blurb about this match on there is another thing that is interesting about this match. Layla won the 2006 Diva Search, Eve won the 2007 Diva Search, and Kaitlyn won the 2010 season of NXT. To predict the winner I will automatically throw Kaitlyn out of the running. I do not believe she has a chance of winning this match. Eve just won the title not too long ago, and I do not think it is time for Layla to redeem it. On another note, I believe Kaitlyn will have a title run in her future now that Beth Phoenix is rumored to be leaving, Kelly Kelly left, and Kharma left. But, at Hell in a Cell Eve will be your winner to retain her championship.

Team Hell No vs. The Rhodes Scholars for the WWE Tag Team Championships
I am a huge fan of Team Hell No and I really like the direction the tag team division is going. I also really enjoy the Team of Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. I am afraid that if Team Hell No loses the titles here they will be broken up and I do not think that is the smartest move. Both Daniel Bryan and Kane are main event level superstars, but the main event is very crowded right now. I think that the smart move is to keep them as a tag team until the time is right for one or both of them to move up. With that I predict that Team Hell No will retain their titles. 

Sheamus vs. Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship
This is not as easy to predict as some would think. On one hand, you have Sheamus who beat Daniel Bryan for the title at Wrestlemania in 18 seconds. On the other side, you have Big Show, who loss the World Title to Bryan in 45 seconds. There are multiple ways the WWE can go about with this match. Most of those ways don't even rely on the competitors in the match. Let's just say I do not see Big Show walking out of Hell in a Cell as World Heavyweight Champion. He could win the title, but he won't leave the champion. But, I am going to take the safe route and say that Sheamus retains his championship, but don't be surprised if Dolph Ziggler cashes in Sunday night.

CM Punk vs. Ryback in a Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship
The WWE have backed themselves into a corner with this match. At the end of the night, either CM Punk's 340+ day WWE Championship reign will be over, or Ryback's undefeated streak will be over. I think that it was too soon to put Ryback into the title hunt, but I understand that with John Cena's health it was a safe route to take. I just cannot see Ryback leaving as the champion. If this was not taking place in the cell, a no contest would be an easy way out. For some reason the WWE decided to make this match in a cell and backed themselves into a corner. I say that CM Punk will retain, but don't be surprised if Paul Heyman has some shenanigans with the match. Possibly bringing back Brock Lesnar.


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